Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Big Day Is Done And Over!

Two days after race day and I am actually feeling good!  I can't say I felt so hot during or for the few hours following though. 

Let me take you through race day. 

5:45- I woke up feeling anxious as ever but excited! 

7:00- Got to the mall and suddenly felt very unprepared.  People had their running belts and hats on....some even had space blankets!  I was in my school shirt and yoga pants!

7:30- Took pre-race pictures with friends to show I was actually there

7:45- The race started but because I was in wave 6, I waited!

8 something,- My wave was allowed to start

And now we take it to miles because with uncoordinated people like me, I can’t run and check my watch clock at the same time!

Miles 1-4 were awful.  I saw some workers and got pumped for all of 5 seconds until I turned the corner.  When I saw Mile 4 I could have cried, thinking I had more than 2/3 of the race left to go.  That was also when my Pandora stopped working!

Miles 5-8 were a blur which was nice PLUS I got my Pandora to work again!  This was way better than Option B (listening to the 6 songs I have on my iPhone on repeat)  Yay!

Miles 9-10 I could see the finish line but my knees had a different agenda.  They were dead set on keeping me from the finish line.

Miles 11-13- I saw my coworkers once more which did give me more energy because I could celebrate with them that I was almost done.  At this point I was on the verge of tears because my left knee hurt so bad!

Mile 13.1 I ran through the finish line at 2 hours 38 minutes.  The first thought in my head was, “Nope, I did better than that,” and then, “Yes!  I did better than that!”  (The clock tracks the time of the first wave and I was in wave 6).  My official time...2 hours 18 minutes, average time per mile 10:35.  I will take it for my first half!

The time after I finished was all a blur!  I met up with a friend, took pictures to show I actually survived and went home!

From there, I wish I could say I felt good, relaxed a little bit and had a productive rest of my day but I would be lying.  Instead, I was sick for the next 5 hours after and had to take a 2 hour nap!  After I recouped, I was able to eat and get out a bit before I returned home to get a very restful sleep!
Would I change anything about this experience?  My answer would definitely be, yes!  I would train harder so my body would actually know what it felt like to run past 6 miles.  (Definitely the explanation for my knees hurting).  I would also like to get on a better nutrition plan (and hopefully not feel so sick later)!  But after all of the heck I put my body through, I wouldn’t take back this experience for anything. I had a blast and can’t wait to start training for another half marathon!

P.S. If you were out there cheering the runners on, I want to say a huge, THANK YOU! I didn’t think someone’s cheering or sign would be able to make such a difference but they definitely made me laugh along the way.  Some are inappropriate but here are a few
-“Go random stranger!”
-“Run now, poop later.”

-“Smile if you’re not wearing underwear!”

Friday, January 17, 2014


So I completely slacked last month and have not started off this month in good fashion either.

Last month was an encouraging month with our sermon series at church.  It's sometimes tough to live out a Christian life while people around you live differently.  However, our "One Thing" series reassured me that I am living this way for a reason.  I am called to be different and I know people notice.  While at times it does make me feel like an outcast, people talk about about how I live and that says something!

This month my challenge was to run a half marathon and I haven't wanted to write because my training has NOT been what I was hoping.  I have plenty of excuses as to why I haven't been running but when it comes down to it, my motivation just wasn't there.  But I am still running it?  Guess I can't back out now since it's this Sunday.  The next time I write will be after the run...if I survive.

Past month challenges...I have picked up a camera again and went out to Discovery Lake for an hour shoot.  I had a great time!  Here are some pics!