Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Lessons from Joshua

I am going to admit to you flat out that I have missed two days of reading my Bible but honestly, I thought I would have missed more.  What I like about having this as a public deal (again, whether people read it or not) is because I don’t want to fail you or myself.  Maybe that’s why at 10 o’clock last night, instead of laying my head on my pillow, I picked up the Bible and read a chapter from Joshua.

I am not to far along in the book but that’s because I want to make sure I am really getting a picture of what I read.  I don’t want to read just to say I’ve done it but I want to understand what it says about God.  I want to see how I can relate to these people and their situations and think about how I would respond to things they went through.

The book of Joshua follows the exodus of Moses bringing the Israelites out of Egypt.  Moses was told he was going to be leading his people to the land God promised them.  However, after 40 years of wondering in the desert, Moses dies.  After being a faithful servant of God while others created idols, Moses was not even able to see the promise land.  Instead, Joshua was appointed by God to lead his people across the Jordan. 

I won’t go into more details of what I have read but I am only 5 chapters in and I have so many questions and thoughts....like did Moses know he was not going to see the land God had promised his people and was he bummed?  Or was he stoked because he knew heaven was going to be so much more than that land?  I honestly think I would be a little bummed.  Who would be okay turning their project or their “baby” over to someone at the last moment so they get the glory instead?  I think Moses was a different breed though and knew perfectly well that he was getting the best reward for his faithfulness.  In steps Joshua...how old was he and was he nervous about taking on such a huge task?  My assumption was yes because in chapter 1 alone God and his people told Joshua 3 times to be, “strong and courageous”.  Then Rahab enters the scene.  Rahab is a prostitute who houses Joshua’s spies and lies to the men who come to her house looking for them.  To me, it is so fascinating that God uses prostitutes, men with stutters etc. to do his will. 

I have never been excited about reading the Bible before but I no longer feel like it’s an obligation.  Instead, it’s something I want to do.  I am no longer leaving my Bible in the backseat of my car so it will be there for church next Sunday but I make it a point to make sure it’s by my bed.  Oh I am excited for what else I am going to learn!

Half Marathon update!
Training is going well.  Slowly but surely I will get there.  I am running 4 miles on a consistent basis and each day is different.  Monday I felt like I was never going to make it home and wanted to call and have someone pick me up.  Today, I felt like my energy would last forever.  Next stop...6 miles!  Oh and I need to be careful where I run....I almost ran into that little sucker.  They are everywhere!

Vietnamese update:

Unfortunately there isn’t one.  I got discouraged because it jumped from, “hey I get this” levels to, “what the heck are they even describing.”  I know that’s not the attitude I should have but I need a little kick in the pants and I will be back with it again!

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