Tuesday, September 30, 2014

I don't blame you if you laugh at me!

So I’ve always known that I was a little nerdy.  I love sci-fi novels, cheesy jokes, and numbers… whether I’m solving a Sudoku puzzle or manipulating numbers on a license plate.  I never knew how nerdy I was until tonight though.  During accounting class, my professor said something that made me remember a childhood game I used to play and when I looked it up later, guess where I found it…yup…at coolmath-games.com/lemonade/ (You should try it out)!  I asked my accounting friends if they had played it and all they could do was stare at me in disbelief.  I guess my love for that game should have told me, long ago, that I had a business mindset.  For the past few months now, every expense I incur or every bit of revenue that comes in, I place that into the income statement that is constantly in my head.  So, I thought it appropriate to continue this post as an income statement, tracking the good events as “revenues” and the not so good events as “expenses”. 

Income Statement
For the month ended September 30, 2014
                Current grade in Accounting                                                                                     99%
                Current grade in Business Math                                                                                98%
                Members in the Growth Group I am now leading                                                  avg.12
                Support from friends and family                                                                        unlimited
                Grasp on new barista job                                                                                            80%
                Love for tutoring                                                                                                     infinite
                Stress from not having enough income to pay rent                A lot
                Loss of sleep from stress                                                        A lot
                Free time for friends, family, school work                                    0
                                Total Expenses                                                                                  (A lot x 2) + 0
Net Income                                                                                                                        Revenues far  outweighing expenses
In conclusion, this month has been stressful but I have way more than I could ask for!  Now you may have seen “Members in the Growth Group I am now leading” under revenue.  That was my challenge this month.  I had been asked to lead a few years back but had never wanted to.   While my life was in flux a few months ago, a friend asked me if I would like to co-lead a Growth Group with him and for some reason, I said yes. 
Yes, this Growth Group adds one more thing to my plate that I have to put time and effort into…a leader can’t go into a meeting unprepared…but I am so glad I committed.  We have only had two meetings but my group seems super legit.  The group consists of returnees and newbies but we all seem to fit.  I am excited to see what the Lord has in store for this group and for my personal growth. 
1 hour and 10 minutes before the end of the month…nerd out!