Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Two Weeks Down

I have just finished up my second week of classes and I am happy to say the excitement hasn’t died…well maybe in my business math class but at least it will be easy! 
Highlights of the past two weeks: -I know how many states there are.  Yup, some people in my class said t here were 52!  

-I got a 95% on my first Financial Accounting Quiz

-AND….my accounting professor knows my name!  In elementary school, that is probably not a good thing.  If a teacher knows your name right off the bat it’s probably because he/she is having to say it over and over again to get you to listen.  In college though, that means you are participating and I only participate when I am confident of my answer….which means I am actually understanding this stuff!  

Now some of you are probably reading this, thinking to yourself that I am way too excited.  Here is where I am coming from though…I went to school to become a teacher.  We don’t really take a lot of classes that incorporate the business world.  I know it’s just week two and I am well aware that what I am learning right now is foundational for the tougher stuff up ahead but the fact that I am gaining confidence early on, in a field that I never thought I would be dabbling in, makes me excited for what the rest of the semester holds.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Hooray for school!

First week of class is done and over and I am still alive!  I have even completed my business math homework…minus the reading.  Do you have to read if you know how to do the work? 

My accounting class is another story!  I am NOT business minded at all and dang, did my professor hit the ground running.  While I was a little intimidated, I am super psyched!  My professor is so passionate (yet awkward) about accounting that it makes it fun to learn.  Who knows how long I will be saying that, especially since class is 4 hours long but right now, I am excited to start this new adventure!

I am still looking for work, so if anyone knows of anything, let me know!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Philippians 4:6

Soooo this has been a rough two months and this blog is combining both months together.  I wasn’t able to blog last month because I didn’t want to raise alarm with coworkers or family until I had made an ultimate decision.

Last month, I had an interview for a full time teaching position.  I had gone over to my parents’ house to prepare when I had a freak out moment.  I literally sobbed for what seemed like hours.  There was something inside of me that was not passionate about it.  However, I had a grown up moment and decided that I needed to interview….1) for the experience and 2) because my principal, whom I respect greatly, had put my name in the pool of people to be interviewed.  I HAD to do the interview.  I didn’t end up getting a job offer, which I what I went in expecting so I wasn’t defeated.  I wasn’t going to be a full time teacher but I still had my math position.

This month, however, as school got closer, I wasn’t feeling at peace with taking the math position.  It’s not that anything went wrong last year.  Please don’t take it that way.  This decision was so difficult for me because my principal and coworkers have been nothing but supportive.   Unfortunately I ran out of time and today, I made the choice to take a step back.  Again, my principal was more than supportive about my choice.  In addition to taking a step back this month, I also made the decision to go back to school.  Starting next Monday, I will be taking classes two nights a week for accounting.  

Like I said at the beginning of this blog, these past two months have been rough.  There have many tears and fights and doubts.  I have contemplated and prayed and finally surrendered everything over to God.  I asked him to give me a peace about leaving my job and he has.  That doesn’t mean my stomach isn’t turning and thoughts of, “Are you stupid?” aren’t running through my mind but I have to have faith that God will be my provision.  Philipians 4:6 says, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."  He knows where my heart has been and is now.  I am sure a job is not going to fall in my lap and it may not be my dream job, but I am trusting in His timing and promise.

And that is where you come in!  I need a job!  I know there was the option of moving back in with my parents….they have been clear about that…but I would obviously love to stay where I am at.  If there are any jobs you can refer me to, that would be awesome!  I am searching on my own but these days, it’s all about who you know.  I know that at least a few people read my blog so I am reaching out to you and asking for your connections.  If you don’t have any, then I am asking for your prayers.  

I will keep you all updated on the new adventures of life.  I am sure I will have to do some venting when school starts.  I can’t believe that after six years, I am going back to school.  Books have been bought and I have found my classroom.  All that’s left is getting the first day jitters over and done with!  Here’s to the next few months and the next two years (for the accounting program)!