Monday, January 5, 2015

The 30...or in this case...31 day challenge

I have always been known at the goody goody church girl....shocked?  For years, I would get embarrassed when people would comment on my faith and for some reason, from time to time, I still do.  For example, one of my friends was commenting on the fact that I don't get overly excited about things but I do about church.  I gave the, "shut up"/embarrassed response again.  While I no doubt am confident about my faith, I no longer want to respond like that.  Instead, I want to be proud that someone sees that excitement in me.  Is there a better testimony than to be completely and wholeheartedly excited about your faith? 

The message this past Sunday set up the scene we are going to see as we go through the book of Ephesians.  There was a verse in Acts 19:15-16 that talked about how the priest of Ephesus went into a house to cast out a demon but because they were not true followers, the demon said to them, "Jesus I know, and I know about Paul, but who are you?"  Chris followed with the questions, Are you a threat?, Does Satan even know your name?, and, Are you living life in such a way that someone in your life is seeing that's different?  I was definitely hit hard by those questions.  My hope and prayer is that I am a HUGE threat to Satan because the way I am living my life is taking people away from his kingdom and leading them towards God's.  I hope Satan knows my name and doing whatever it takes to get me to stray because that means his hold on my life has slipped away.  And I hope that people see that I live differently.  That I don't live according to the ways of the world because, while people may think I am crazy, I know that my obedience only helps grow my faith and helps expand them kingdom of my God.  You can call me crazy or overzealous but I am standing for what I believe in and for once, am not going to shy away.

So what is with the 30 day challenge?  I have heard it on the radio for months and have always brushed it off.  One of the Christian radio stations challenges it's listeners to listen to only Christian radio for 30 days but since January has 31 days, I thought I could go one more.  I am going to admit, it's difficult so far and I am only in day 5.  Some of the music is super cheesy, I must admit, and with only two Christian stations, it's sometimes hard to find a good song.  Plus, I don't always get the best reception.  I know it sounds like I am making excuses but I am not.  I am just sharing with you why it can become a challenge.  Good thing Pandora exists because there is an unlimited supply of music there!  The reason I have finally decided to take this challenge though is so I can start the new year off right.  What better way to fill my soul than with Christian music that is constantly reassuring and affirming me?  I think this is a monthly I will be successful in!