Wednesday, August 21, 2013

I am learning Vietnamese?

Last month, I let you all in on my plan to challenge myself and honestly, get off my butt and start doing things I said I would do/wanted to do.

It is the 21st of the month and I just started my first challenge...learning Vietnamese.  The fact that I am just now starting my "challenge of the month" is the exact reason I started this blog.  I felt like if I got you involved (if there are actual people reading), I would be more accountable.  

I am happy to say that a teeny, tiny bit of Vietnamese stuck with me!  The few words that I knew really helped during Lesson 1 but I obviously still need a lot of practice.  I am learning Vietnamese through Rosetta Stone and even though it seems overwhelming, I think I am going to enjoy it.  From what it looks like, each lesson is broken into four different sections that allow you to practice the same phrases in new ways.  I went though part 1 and did well enough.  However, as I was going through part 2, I was racking up points...honestly, I had 90 correct and 0 wrong!  I knew I had a perfect score waiting for me at the end and I postponed on taking a picture in order to flaunt it front of all of you.  I mean, wouldn't you be impressed if on day 1, I got a perfect score?   I guess God was not okay with my cockiness because my laptop shut itself down on question 91.  You are probably thinking, "Isn't that so convenient, Erica?  A perfect score that you cannot prove?"  I say, "take it or leave it".  I guess I learned my lesson for next time!  


  1. Hi Erica! I just read this and I LOVE this idea!!! And, wouldn't you know....if I count this month (even though it's almost over), I am now 30 months away from my 30th birthday! I think I may steal your idea (or, join you rather) and do things too! Better get my list going too!!! :) Excited to hear and read about all you do!

    1. Hey Janelle,
      Please to a blog too so I can see what you decided to do. I need more ideas too! Hahah. I know I will think of some along the way but 30 things is a lot. Can't wait to hear of your adventures!
